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Keyboard shortcuts in Yahoo Mail

General commands

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Check mail (jumps to Inbox, if you're not already there) M
Start a new email message N
Start a new Instant Message (IM) I
Start a new SMS message (text) T
Search S
Display keyboard shortcuts ? (Shift+/)

Composing an Email

Keyboard shortcut
Show Choose Contacts dialog box (from TO, CC, or BCC field) Right arrow, then Enter
Show BCC field (from CC field) Right arrow, right arrow, then Enter
Toggle plain text/rich text mode PC: Ctrl+Shift+Y
Mac: Cmd+Shift+Y
Save as a draft PC: Ctrl+S
Mac: Cmd+S
Send message PC: Ctrl+Enter
Mac: Cmd+Return
Attach files (one at a time) PC: Ctrl+Shift+U
Mac: Cmd+Shift+U
Reply via IM Shift+I
Reply via SMS (text message) Shift+T

Working with Messages

Action Keyboard shortcut
Reply to a message R
Reply all to a message A
Forward a message F
Mark as read K
Mark as unread Shift+K
Star a message L
Clear star Shift+L
Find a word or phrase in a message PC: Ctrl+F
Mac: Cmd+F
Print message PC: Ctrl+P or P
Mac: Cmd+P or P
Delete message Delete
Add sender to contacts Shift+A
Open Move menu D

Move message(s) to one of your first 9 folders
D, then 1-9 (For example, type "2" for second folder)
Create a new folder PC: Ctrl+Shift+E
Mac: CMD+Shift+E
Move message(s) to a new folder PC: D, then Ctrl+Shift+E
Mac: D, then Cmd+Shift+E
View next message up Ctrl+, (comma)
View next message down Ctrl+. (period)

Working with Message Lists

Action Keyboard shortcut
Highlight the next message up or down Up and down arrows
Open a message PC: Enter
Mac: Return

Select all messages
PC: Ctrl+A
Mac: Cmd+A  
Select messages in a range Click to check checkbox of first message, then shift-click on checkbox of last message
View or hide Preview Pane (when Preview Pane is enabled) V

Working with Message Lists (when viewing messages page by page)

Action Keyboard shortcut

Check or uncheck a message's checkbox
Move cursor up or down the list (preserving selection) PC: Ctrl+up arrow, Ctrl+down arrow
Mac: Cmd+up arrow, Cmd+down arrow

Keyboard Navigation and Selection

Action Keyboard shortcut
Move cursor to next or previous region of the screen Tab, Shift+Tab
Move cursor to next or previous toolbar button Left and right arrow keys
Move cursor to next or previous item in list Up and down arrow keys
Select item in focus Enter
Empty Trash or Spam folder (with folder selected) E
Expand or collapse folder list (with "Folders" selected.)
Rename a folder (with mouse or cursor on folder) C
  More shortcuts: In Yahoo Mail, press "?" to see shortcuts for working with Conversations.

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