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Microsoft PowerPoint's complete list of shortcut keys

The following is a list of keyboard shortcuts available in PowerPoint for Windows 95, version 7.0. This list is a compilation of the individual keyboard shortcut lists available in PowerPoint Help

Commands to Control PowerPoint Windows

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Go to previous presentation window           CTRL+SHIFT+F6
   Go to next presentation window               CTRL+F6
   Maximize PowerPoint application window       ALT+F10
   Maximize presentation window                 CTRL+F10
   Restore presentation window to previous size CTRL+F5

Commands to Delete and Copy

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Delete character left                        BACKSPACE
   Delete word left                             CTRL+BACKSPACE
   Delete character right                       DELETE
   Delete word right                            CTRL+DELETE
   Cut                                          CTRL+X
   Copy                                         CTRL+C
   Paste                                        CTRL+V
   Undo                                         CTRL+Z

Shortcuts for Menu Commands

File Menu:

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Open new presentation                        CTRL+N
   Open existing presentation                   CTRL+O
   Close                                        CTRL+W or CTRL+F4
   Save                                         CTRL+S or SHIFT+F12
   Save As                                      F12
   Print                                        CTRL+P or CTRL+SHIFT
   Exit PowerPoint                              CTRL+Q or ALT+F4

Edit Menu:

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Undo                                         CTRL+Z
   Repeat/Redo                                  CTRL+Y
   Clear                                        DELETE
   Cut                                          CTRL+X
   Copy                                         CTRL+C, CTRL+INSERT
   Paste                                        CTRL+V, SHIFT+INSERT
   Select all                                   CTRL+A
   Find                                         CTRL+F
   Replace                                      CTRL+H
   Duplicate                                    CTRL+D
   Update links                                 CTRL+SHIFT+F7

View Menu:

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Show guides (toggle)                         CTRL+G
   Switch to master view                        SHIFT+Click View button

Insert Menu:

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Create new slide                             CTRL+M
   Create new slide without New Slide dialog    CTRL+SHIFT+M
   Add date                                     ALT+SHIFT+D
   Add page number                              ALT+SHIFT+P
   Add time                                     ALT+SHIFT+T

Format Menu:

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Format character                             CTRL+T
   Center paragraph                             CTRL+E
   Justify paragraph                            CTRL+J
   Left-align paragraph                         CTRL+L
   Right-align paragraph                        CTRL+R

Draw Menu:

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Restore picture to original size             CTRL+double-click
                                                resize handle
   Restore picture to proportional size         SHIFT+double-click
                                                resize handle
   Move from title to text                      CTRL+ENTER
   Show title in slide sorter view              ALT+click
   Group                                         CTRL+SHIFT+G
   Ungroup                                      CTRL+SHIFT+H
   Regroup                                      CTRL+SHIFT+J

Help Menu:

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Display Help Contents screen                 F1
   Display context-sensitive Help               SHIFT+F1

Commands to Move Around in Text

   To move this direction                       Press these shortcut keys

   One character left                           LEFT ARROW
   One character right                          RIGHT ARROW
   One line up                                  UP ARROW
   One line down                                DOWN ARROW
   One word left                                CTRL+LEFT ARROW
   One word right                               CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
   To end of line                               END
   To beginning of line                         HOME
   Up one paragraph                             CTRL+UP ARROW
   Down one paragraph                           CTRL+DOWN ARROW
   To end of page                               CTRL+END
   To start of page                             CTRL+HOME
   To previous object                           SHIFT+TAB
   To next object                               TAB
   Repeat Find or Go To                         SHIFT+F4

Commands to Use in an Outline

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Promote paragraph                            ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
   Demote paragraph                             ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
   Move selected paragraphs up                  ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW
   Move selected paragraphs down                ALT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
   Show heading level 1                         ALT+SHIFT+1
   Expand text under a heading                  ALT+SHIFT+PLUS
   Collapse text under a heading                ALT+SHIFT+MINUS
   Show all text and headings                   ALT+SHIFT+A
   Turn character formatting on/off             Keypad / 

Commands to Select Text and Objects

   To select this                               Press these shortcut keys

   Character right                              SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
   Character left                               SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
   To end of word                               CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
   To beginning of word                         CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
   Line up                                      SHIFT+UP ARROW
   Line down                                    SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
   All objects (slide view)                     CTRL+A
   All slides (slide sorter view)               CTRL+A
   All text (outline view)                      CTRL+Z
   A word                                       Double-click
   A paragraph                                  Triple-click
   Drag-and-drop copy                           CTRL+select and drag

Slide Show Controls

   To do this                                  Press these shortcut keys

   Advance to the next slide                    Click the mouse
   Return to the previous slide                 BACKSPACE
   Go to a slide                                Type the slide number,
                                                and then press ENTER
   Black or unblack the screen                  B
   White or unwhite the screen                  W
   Show or hide the arrow pointer               S
   End slide show                               ESC
   Erase drawing on-screen                      E
   Go to next slide, if it's hidden             H
   Rehearse with new timings                    T
   Rehearse with original timings               O
   Rehearse with mouse-click advance            M
   Return to the first slide                    Hold both mouse buttons
                                                down for 2 seconds
   Change pointer to pen                        CTRL+P
   Change pen to pointer                        CTRL+A
   Hide pointer and button                      CTRL+H
   Hide pointer and button always               CTRL+L
   Display shortcut menu                         Right mouse click

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